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Pomme Equestrian

Unleashing Riders

We believe that every woman deserves to feel confident and free in the saddle, which is why we design riding clothes that cater to riders of all sizes, backgrounds and levels. Our focus on comfort, durability, and style will help you feel unstoppable on any ride.

Ines Riding Leggings

Made with our new buttery-soft structured fabric, a high-waisted fit and mobile pocket, these leggings will keep you comfortable and supported all day long.

Wendy Riding Leggings

Comfy and breathable riding leggings in seamless fabric that keeps you cool all summer.

What our
customers say

Don’t just take our word for it.

The best!

5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
What a great breech. So flattering AND comfortable. I didn’t even want to take them off after a long day. Got many compliments and now my whole barn wants a pair. The price can’t be beat, I’m seriously looking forward my next pair!

New favorite

5 star rating
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5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
Pomme is my favorite equestrian brand. All their products are very comfy, pretty and affordable. what’s more, the value for money is really worth it.

Amazing quality

5 star rating
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5 star rating
5 star rating
Super customer service! Ordered a few times now and everything is like promised 🙏🏻
Quality is amazing and the products are really super nice and comfortable to wear!

Great products

5 star rating
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5 star rating
Great products. Love the leggings and zip tops. True to size and good material.

Chic and beautiful

5 star rating
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5 star rating
I really like the design of the page and the breeches design: chic, beautiful, good colors and the option to choose the grip – so awesome!
Clara F


5 star rating
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5 star rating
I have several pairs of Pomme Ava And Nellie. I choose them from my closet every day over my expensive German brand breeches. These were my first bling. They are perfect!
Rachel B

Super stylish

5 star rating
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5 star rating
Very comfortable to wear in summer and winter, the size is just right and the fabric is super easy to care for.I love the fit and the colour is super stylish. I can only recommend it!
Clara M


5 star rating
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5 star rating
5 star rating
Such a nice fabric and amazing shaped! I love the pattern of the grip, they provide a good grip. Amazing color.. you can wear it with everything! Definitely recommend! If you are in doubt between two sizes then choose the bigger size for more comfort.

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Honestly we have the same personality ...

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#środowyupdate i ostatnia fotka z jesiennej sesji🍂

Z uśmiechem wracam jeszcze do weekendu na cavaliada , bo przywiozłam naprawdę sporo fajnych wspomnień (zresztą jak zwykle🥰), ale niestety oprócz tego jakąś chorobę😫

Ostatni raz byłam chora chyba z 2 lata temu.. Nie byłoby to może nic tak strasznego gdyby nie to, że już jutro wyjeżdżamy na zawody🥺 Zawsze mówię, że nie mam czasu być chora, ale tym razem naprawdę nie mam czasu!

Wczoraj miałam w planach jechać do Cormanna, ale to by już chyba było zabójstwo w tą pogodę.. Na szczęście nie muszę się martwić, bo niesamowicie dobrze odnalazł się w nowym domu i ma super opiekę🥰

Ogoliłam za to szybko Bąbelka na nowo, bo tak szybko odrósł, że minęło dosłownie 2,5 tygodnia, a po smokach już ani śladu😳 Ale okazało się, że takie krótkie włoski goli się 2 razy szybciej🥳

Ostatnia jazda przed wyjazdem bardzo udana, niedzielne i czwartkowe skoki również także czuję, że (odpukać) jesteśmy gotowi na nadchodzące starty🙌🏻 Jeszcze tylko zostaje przygotowanie wszystkiego do wyjazdu - muszę to dobrze zorganizować, bo jednak będziemy trochę daleko no i są to nasze pierwsze 3 dniowe zawody, na które w dodatku jedziemy dzień wcześniej🙈 A jakby tego było mało to pierwszy raz jadę bez luzaka, więc nie będzie łatwo to wszystko ogarnąć..

Mimo wszystko bardzo jestem podekscytowana i już nie mogę się doczekać!!! Trzymajcie za nas mocno kciuki i oczywiście wyczekujcie vloga na YouTube🥰

showjumping | chestnut | pferd | cheval | cavallo | konie | jazda konna | jeździectwo | equestrian | rootd | outfit | equine photography | pferde fotografie | stajnia | stable | jumping | KWPN | fall | autumn | jesień #horse #showjumper #horseriding #horses #passion #blonde #equine #equestrian #equinephotography #pferdefotografie #pferd #pferde #cheval #cavallo #koń #konie #jazdakonna #jeździectwo #rootd #outfit #jesień #horseshow #equestrianfashion #showjumping #autumn #chestnut #fall

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Beige vibes, white horse, mountains in the back!


Captured by froehlichfoto

#equestrianlife #horselife #horseshows #showhorse #equinestyle #dressagestyle #dressage #horselovers #pferdeliebe #dressursport #horsesofinstagram

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The level of impatience is crazy lol😂😂😂

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Couldn’t happier with my grey mare 🥰🦄

#equestrian #horse #horses #mare

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Ça m’arrive jamais mais avec wearepomme je suis prête à prendre le risque ✨

#equitation #cheval #fyp #cavaliere #outfit #totallyspies

*produits offerts

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17 novembre 2024, stage avec Nicolas Bayart 💪 ...

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Just a girl and her horse—
an unspoken bond, a quiet salvation.❤️‍🩹

In a world often loud and unkind,
it’s the constancy of animals and nature that mends me.
Their love—pure, unwavering, and unconditional—
has been my lifeline through storms I thought would never end.

When everything else falters,
when the weight of the impossible feels too much to bear,
it’s their silent presence that heals me,
a balm for wounds too deep for words.

They are my saving grace,
the gentle reminder that even amidst the chaos,
there is peace to be found in the wild,
in the steady heartbeat of a horse,
and in the untamed love of this earth.

you are seen.
you are loved.
you are enough.

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POV: you spontaneously decide to try your horse with a neckrope during a photoshoot.

Capri is such a special horse to me and just 10 days after his homecoming he shows me ones again that he is worth his weight 10 times in gold! He didn’t put one foot wrong and you all know that I’m not the biggest hero but he really makes me feel safe. Now I am extra motivated to explore more liberty work with him and Manzano 🙌🙌

Did you ever try this with your horse? And if you guys have any tips please let me know 🥰🥰🙌

Huge thanks balearic_lens


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We had a good weekend in Peelbergen with all the youngsters 🌟🐴 filippaandren wearepomme 🎥 jansen_equestrian_photography ...

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